Learn poker chip tricks you need to know!

During poker, a huge number of hands are played. But not always everyone is in a hand playing along. You often see other poker players playing with chips because they have to wait for the players who are still in the hand. So we often see poker players doing tricks with poker chips or stacking poker chips in a special way. Below you will find more information about it.

What all can you do with custom poker chips besides playing poker? This is a question I'm going to answer you now. The first thing I'm going to talk to you about are poker chip tricks. We'll start with the standard poker trick. You make two rows of poker chips and put them next to each other. You put your hand around them and quietly slide them together. This makes yourself feel calm and you notice that other players do the same. This is also for boredom and entertainment. This trick is called the Chip Shuffle.

The second poker chip trick is the flying chip. You pick up three poker chips and you tap the middle one of the three into the air with your thumb. You then tap the left chip to the center with your left little finger and then catch the flying chip again. This is not very difficult to learn. The main thing is speed. The more often you try it, the faster you will eventually be able to do it. It does really give off an aura when you can do this at the poker table. Otherwise, of course, it has little to do with the game, but you can be the strongest mentally with this.

The last poker chip trick we are going to cover is the Chip Twirl. Take a chip between your thumb and middle finger and rest it on your index finger. Then use your index finger to twirl the chip around while continuing to hold the chip between your thumb and middle finger. With enough practice, you can make the chip spin smoothly and make it look very cool.

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